
Thursday, April 19, 2012


This is Kristen Robbins.
She graduated in 2011,
so these are a little old, but she's just 
so darn cute, I wanted to post them. 
She's in drama, so that was fun to do some with her 
drama council jacket.
She was fun to shoot.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Knew that it was now or never...

On Monday we got together with 4 other families.
We're all really good friends.
The 5 families are all going on a cruise together
in June.
So we all got together just to hang out.
And its spring break for the kids.
Aren't these pictures mouth watering?
I was/am drooling.
Most of these are natural light,
I didn't even edit them.
Aren't all these kids so dang cute?
Little Lincoln down there had so many faces, I couldn't pick just one!
So anyway, here's a taste of summer for you ;)